How to Sell Meal Worms to Pet Stores

Mealworms are easy to raise and can net a pretty penny if you sell them to pet stores above your cost. Because mealworms are the softer, larvae version of a beetle, birds prefer to dine on themthey're quite succulent. Showing that you're a responsible, repeat seller who has a...

How Much Does it Cost to Run a Pet Store?

The cost of operating a pet store differs from running any other kind of retail store. In many cases, there are living creatures within the store, and taking care of them requires more effort and expertise than simply stocking shelves with canned goods. There is no one figure...

How to Sell Homemade Fish Food to Pet Stores

Proper diet is important to the survival of fish. Homemade fish food can provide the proper balance of nutrients if you know what vitamins and minerals to include for different species. After you make your fish food you can sell it to pet stores for a profit. Follow these steps...

How to Use Cleaning Supplies That Are Safe for Pets

Several household cleaning products can be dangerous to pets. Most chemical cleaners are toxic if ingested, and the fumes of some are toxic to animals' respiratory systems. Read labeling carefully before using any cleaning product around a pet. Consider using common household...

How to Help Pets of Homeless People

The homeless crisis in our nation is even further compounded by the pet population of the homeless. It is estimated by the National Coalition for the Homeless that 3.5 million people are homeless and between 5 percent to 10 percent of homeless people have dogs and/or cats. Pets...

How to Find Pet Items at a Thrift Store

Just like humans can score at thrift shops--so can pets. These hand-me down havens can't be beat when it comes to one-stop pet shopping at bargain prices--and in these tough times--what are you waiting for? If you're a pet parent--read this article--then "hightail" it down to...

How to Find Dog Houses to Be Donated

Animal shelters and rescue organizations are often in desperate need of supplies, both for the animals that are kept in their facilities, as well as to support people who are fostering adoptable pets. If you would like to collect supplies for these organizations, dog houses and...

How to Close a Retail Pet Store

According to a 2010 Associated Press poll, a person shopping for a dog is seven times more likely to get the dog from a shelter instead of a pet store. An educated public is increasingly refusing to do business with puppy mills, and the weakened economy has caused pet stores...

How to Report Animal Abuse at Pet Stores

Animal cruelty can exist at pet stores when workers are misinformed and not adequately trained in animal care. Cruelty can include things as simple as malnutrition or as outright as a worker physically abusing a pet store animal or allowing a customer to do so. If you see anything...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pet Stores

On December 15, 2009, an estimated 27,000 animals including mammals, reptiles, arachnids and amphibians were seized from U.S. Global Exotics, Inc., a Texas company that supplied exotic pets to pet stores including Petco and Petsmart. In a case that the watchdog group

How to Sell Pet Products From Home

Starting a business is a complex, but manageable issue. Running a home-based business takes many of the start-up requirements out of the equation, such as location and travel. Selling pet products from home is a good idea for someone who loves pets and wants to operate a small...

How to Buy Pet Products Wholesale

Let's face it pets are dependents without the tax benefits but we want to ensure they are happy. We spoil our dogs with bones and toys, but it was quite pricy paying retail. So we found ways to buy products wholesale. Instructions 1 Until I started my own dog walking...

Marketing Ideas for Pet Stores

Running a pet store can be competitive. Getting people into your store to purchase a pet is step one. Step two is to keep them coming back for supplies. Bringing customers in and keeping them coming back can be an important key to the success of your business. One successful way...

What Kind of Dogs Do Pet Stores Sell?

Most pet stores currently refuse to sell dogs or puppies as merchandise in their stores. They further advocate dog rescue by allowing local rescue groups to use them as adoption centers once a week. Nevertheless, almost 3,500 pet stores around the country are still offering live...

How to Start a Pet Food Store

If you are a person that has a great deal of concern for animals and are dissatisfied with the quality of ingredients offered in commercial pet foods, starting a pet food store could be a business venture that you'll find rewarding. Pet food stores are gaining popularity as pet...

Supplies for Handicapped Pets

Animals can be born sick or handicapped, or become so, just like humans. If you have a handicapped pet, then you can help make its life more comfortable and fulfilling. Often, pets are put to sleep once they become handicapped, as many people believe there is little that can...

How to Manage a Pet Store

The pet and pet product industry continues to grow every year, with sales numbering in the billions of dollars. If you love animals and want to manage a pet store, consider all the available options. You can manage a specialty store like a dog and cat clothing store, or helm a large...

How to Find Pet Food Distributors for a Pet Store

For pet stores, new and old, finding suitable pet food distributors is always a challenge. To uncover hidden jewels, utilize your network and do a little digging. Instructions Finding Pet Food Distributors 1 Search wholesale directories online. Some pet food distributors...

Tips for People Who Work at Pet Stores

Working with animals can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Working at a pet store combines working with animals and working in customer service to benefit both the customer and the pet. While pet stores are a joy to many, pets and customers can also be the cause of sickness...

How to Open a Pet Store & How to Find Animals

Owning a pet shop is fun and challenging. Helping people find that perfect pet or supplying them with the food and supplies they need is fulfilling work. The challenge is finding quality pets and caring for them until they find their homes. Instructions Opening a Pet Shop ...

How to Start a Premium Pet Food Supply Business

If you love animals and are dissatisfied with the quality of most commercial pet foods, consider starting your own premium pet food supply business. Operating a pet supply store is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Starting your own business can give you the satisfaction...

How to Start an All Natural Pet Store

Opening a natural pet food store, online or in your neighborhood, can be both profitable and fun. You can sell a variety of products for common household pets like dogs and cats to more exotic pets like lizards and fish. In addition to selling natural pet food, you can also sell...

Questions to Ask When Opening a Pet Supply Store

Opening a business demands time, money and plenty of patience. According to, the pet industry tends to be recession-proof, though pet owners spend more thoughtfully during these times. If operated wisely, a pet supply business can be lucrative. To successfully...

About Pet Stores

The pet supply industry grows by about $2 billion each year in the United States, making it a reliable earner for entrepreneurs. Pet owners from the Atlantic to the Pacific show love to their companions with treats, toys and other accessories. While Internet stores have accounted...

How to Start a Dog Supply Business

The United States leads the world in the number of pet dogs. As the American population grows, it is reasonable to expect that the numbers of pet dogs will grow too. Americans have a good reputation for caring for their pets. Even when the economy fluctuates, the demand for pet...

How to Start an Online Dog Supplies Store

Many busy pet owners prefer to avoid making a special trip to the store to purchase items like dog food, treats, collars and leashes. The convenience of ordering online allows them to keep their canine well supplied with a variety of products delivered right to their door. If...